
Why You Need Your Own Advisory Board for Career Development

Why You Need Your Own Advisory Board for Career Development

I have a memory from when I was about 8 or 9 years old of being taught how to throw a football for distance by an older kid in my neighborhood. One summer in the small park in front of my apartment, this kid spent 20-30 minutes patiently showing me the arm motion, release point, and trajectory I needed to execute in order to throw the ball further than I could beforehand. I don’t share this story because I went to become a division 1 college quarterback, but because it’s one of my earliest memories of receiving helpful, informal external guidance that tangibly helped me improve an area of my life.

I honestly can’t recall if I ever saw that kid again after that day, but he had a lasting impact on me. I’ll bet you can remember at least one person like that in your life who, in their brief cameo in your story, made a dramatic difference in your thought, action, direction, or development. What if we could hold onto such people, or better yet, intentionally seek them out to add to our network so they become recurring, readily accessible characters, rather than single episode guests? This can and should be an intentional process for any professional as they network build professional relationships & friendships…